Use case of JavaScript in Uber

Parinati Rajput
3 min readJun 25, 2021

Scripts that are run on the client side — directly in the browser — are key for implementing these types of solutions. The first to mention here is JavaScript, a script language that is supported by all popular browsers. But even though it’s a basic part of all modern web projects, JavaScript isn’t always seen in a positive light and is sometimes blocked by individual applications or, more and more often, even by the user.

How to turn on the script language in your browser?

JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages — every time a web page does more than just sit there and display static information for you to look at — displaying timely content updates, interactive maps, animated 2D/3D graphics, scrolling video jukeboxes, etc.

Let’s see how learning this one language can help you to build various kinds of applications in different areas…

  1. Web applications.
  2. Mobile Application.
  3. Desktop Applications.
  4. Big Data & Cloud Development.
  5. Blockchain Technology.
  6. Automation.


They built their interpersonal system between drivers and passengers with Node.js, due to its fast response capabilities and massive power to process requests, along with the welcome ease and ability to have a distributed architecture.

Uber has only transactional users: riders, drivers, and now eaters and couriers. People rely on there technology — to make money, to go where they need to go — so there’s no safe time to pause. They prioritize the availability and scalability.

At the lower levels, Uber’s engineers primarily write in Python, Node.js, Go, and Java. They started with two main languages: Node.js for the Marketplace team, and Python for everyone else. These first languages still power most services running at Uber today.

Uber is one of the best Node.js app examples. Notably, a mobile app built with Node JS, that also impacts the cost to make an app like Uber — if one may be curious about. The company has been doubling in size every 6 or so months in the last two years. So obviously, data processing capabilities of Node.js was a winning solution.

Node.js, being a non-blocking event-driven model presented developers a possibility to build applications in real-time. With push technology and 2-way connections, many top companies use i



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